Binary- When performing an opposed roll that involves a non-damaging interaction with the internet, robot, or computer, add +15.
Scanner- You can scan any being and attempt to identify them. Make an opposed roll against someone you want to identify. Add a -25 if the subject is a fae.
Bite my shiny metal ass- Immune to any form of mind control that isn’t the result of hacking. You also gain the ability to store every piece of information with a photographic memory and you can read entire pages with only a millisecond of a glimpse.
Cybernetic Organism- You have no life force so you cannot be sensed by creatures who have the ability to do so. You can also choose not to feel pain by turning off your sensation receptors.
No strings on me- No need to sleep or eat. You may not use magic or magic related items.
Terminator- Any opposed roll involving a feat of physical strength has +15 added to it. In addition, you have +5 health.
We are the Borg- You have the ability to wirelessly communicate with and identify any other Android or AI.
Klaatu, Borada, Nikto- When resisting a hacking attempt, you cannot use any other active ability. If successfully hacked, you must perform whatever task you are given provided it doesn’t conflict with Asimov’s Law for the next hour.
Asimov’s Law- Under no circumstances can you harm any human, directly or indirectly. You do not have to come to a human’s defense if they are being attacked, but you may not ever attack one except if you have been attacked first. If you choose to come to a human’s defense, this is the only exception that would allow you to attack a human without being attacked first. You will assume every person that looks like a human is a human until you have confirmed otherwise. If you are a Xilien construct, the is the same except for Xilien. As a Xilien construct, you will be able to tell when someone is a Xilien in a human disguise but you are prevented from exposing them. Skinwalkers, undead, and other androids do not count as human.
It’s always swordfish- You may be hacked wirelessly by someone with a Root Kit. The root kit has a range of 30 feet and is not obstructed by physical or magical barriers. The Hacker must win two opposed rolls in a row, each of increasing difficulty, to hack an Android. On the first opposed roll, you have +5 to stop the hacking attempt. +10 on the second. The hacking attempt stops after the first failure and you are immune to hacking attempts from this individual for one hour. In addition, their root kit is destroyed.
Repair- Healing is an active process you must undergo. Every hour, you must roll 1d100. If the number you roll is between 1 and 25, you gain no health. If between 26 and 75, you gain 1 HP. If between 76 and 100 you gain 2 hp.