Human Transformation- Your base form is very easily recognized as inhuman. However, given your nature, you are able to transform into a human form that would pass physical scrutiny and inspection. Your transformation is technological, so someone with a scanner would know you have a disguise, but not know the exact nature of your transformation.
Hive Mind- You can communicate with other Reptilians via telepathy if you desire.
Empowered- You may pick any three powers specified in the “Book of Powers.” If powers would conflict, power invoked most recently takes precedent. These powers may be understood as either cybernetic, mutation, but not magical. Your kind existed before magic was introduced to the realm.
Healing Factor- You gain back 2 HP every hour instead of 1, but only in Reptilian form. 1 HP every hour in Human form.
Limb regeneration- You can grow back severed body parts, as long as it isn’t your head that has been severed. Arms or legs take three days to fully regenerate. The bottom half of your torso will take 2 weeks.
Smaller extremities (fingers and toes) within 1 day.
Cold Blooded- You are immune to any spell or machine that manipulates emotions.
Scales- You have + 5 HP
Deadly Jaws- bites from your race are deadly. A bite in your reptilian form deals 2HP damage to any race except AI/Androids.
Forgotten People-No magic access. Period. You can be subjected to spells, but you cannot use anything magical or command magical powers.
Sunning-Weak to cold. During the winter months (November, December, and January) you can only gain healing at a normal rate of 1 HP per hour. If you are hit with a weapon/spell that specifically deals cold damage, you are denied healing factor for 1 day and can only regenerate health 1 HP an hour.